Announcement: New Live Performance!

I’m thrilled to announce that I will be the Host and Entertainer for this upcoming FUNdraiser for Central Alabama Theater!

I Can. not. wait. to be performing Live again!

Make sure to get your tickets if you are in the area!

I look forward to seeing you guys and sharing a few laughs and supporting live theatre!

~ Sunny xo

For tickets click Here

Sunny’s “Be Happy!” Comedy Video ~ Tip #4

“Be Happy!” ~ Tip #4 ~ Make a Favorite Meal

As we wrap up this month long commitment to improving our happiness by adding more laughter into our lives, I hope this video will give you a laugh for the day and help boost your happiness quotient.

With the election coming up next week and all the divisive rhetoric that inundates us all, I think this might just be the week we need joy and laughter in our lives the most! I hope my videos this month have given you a reason to chuckle. I do believe sharing a laugh has a way of bringing us all together, even if for a short time, and reminds us that we do have a lot of things in common. I have seen this in the poler opposite groups of people who have enjoyed my videos and it is encouraging and makes me feel better! Laughter can be a unifier.

And, make sure to join me later this week for another “Be Happy Hour!” and lets celebrate another reason to share a laugh! ~ More info. coming soon ~ stay tuned!

Live, Love, Laugh & Be Happy! ~ Sunny

Week 3 of Being Happy!

“Be Happy!” ~ Tip #3:

Exercise Your Mind & Learn Something New!

As we continue with our month long commitment to improving our happiness and adding more laughter into our lives, here is another video that I hope will add a bit of laughter to your day.

Studies show that laughter really is the best medicine and good for the soul. I think we need it now more than ever!

Live, Love, Laugh & Be Happy! ~ Sunny

Sunny Takes Over (as usual)!

As the humor columnist for B-Metro Magazine I got to do a social media takeover. And, even though it got off to a rocky start with all the technical difficulties, I had a great time taking over their Facebook page! I look forward to doing it again! Thanks for having me! ~ Sunny

Photo: Billy Brown

Sunny’s Taking Over!

National Martini Day! Cheers!

In honor of National Martini Day I have cooked up something extra special and serving up some fun wearing my fun, new apron that I created for the dish that doesn’t cook, but still likes the dressing! 😉 You can get your very own by clicking the apron link below. I hope you enjoy the video ~ and the apron! ~ Cheers! Sunny xo

P.S. I have lots of other fun products available featuring the same design so make sure to browse around while you’re shopping at my Zazzle boutique:) Thank you so much, Sunny!



Funny Retro Pin-up Girl Style Apron
A perfect gift for the dish who doesn’t cook, but still likes the dressing. ~ You are sure to keep up appearances as the “Hostess with the Mostest” when you take that selfie wearing this fun, retro inspired pinup girl style apron. ~ After all, you wouldn’t want to give the wrong impression.


A Bea-u-TEA-ful Birthday Celebration!

You’re Invited……… A custom invitation always makes it a special occasion.

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This post is for my fellow tea party lovers out there. As I have mentioned before, I love the whole idea of Afternoon Tea. And, if I can combine it with a visit with a girlfriend then it’s made even more special. I recently got to do just that when I threw an Un-Birthday Tea Party for my girlfriend, Vicki. We have been friends since we were two years old and went to nursery school together all the way through high school graduation! So, can you imagine my disbelief when I realized that I mistakenly wished her a happy birthday ten days after her b’day?! I got the wrong day! This called for a very special make-it-up-to-her party! So, I threw her an Un-Birthday Tea Party

I enjoy any reason to entertain (on and off the stage!) so I had great fun planning all the details of this very special occasion for my very special friend. I hope you enjoy this little gallery of photos I took to document the festivities. And, maybe it will inspire you to celebrate one of your special girlfriends with a beautiful tea party. Just don’t wait until you miss her birthday!!

*This lovely Tea Party would also be a perfect way to celebrate Mom on Mother’s Day!

Continue reading

SUNnyDAY POST! B-Metro Magazine March Column ~ My Winter Coat (What not to wear when your lover shows up unexpectedly!)

My love has given me the cold shoulder this morning and I thought my column in this month’s B-Metro Magazine was perfect timing! I hope you enjoy it. And, cuddle up and stay warm out there ~ don’t come out until after Easter! ~ Sunny 🙂

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SUNny DAY Post: X-Mas In July…….in August!

It’s that time of year again! Actually, it was that time of year again last month for our annual X-Mas in July “Epic Southern Living Magazine Christmas Cake Baking Party!” However, this year one of my nieces couldn’t make it for any dates in July so we moved it to August. And, once again, it was a chaotic, but fun, success!

Here is the cake we decided to make this year:

X-Mas in July Cake!

Ta Da! We did it! The Southern Living Magazine Chocolate Citrus Orange Cake with Candied Oranges and Chocolate Ganache Filling!

This annual tradition came about a few years ago when I realized that Continue reading

“An Invisible Woman ~ the disappearing act of a 50 year old!”

October 2017

I am thrilled to be debuting my new comedy variety show this October at the lovely, historic Virginia Samford Theater in Birmingham AL. If you are in the area I hope you will come “see” me! Click here for tickets and info. ~ Sunny xo

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