SUNny DAY POST: B-Metro Magazine November Column ~ Meet the Parents: When Your Son Shows Up with a New Girl!

Sunny Brown BMeteo v2Here’s a little laugh for your Sunday afternoon reading pleasure……since you’re all ready for Thanksgiving with nothing else to do ! 😉

I’m very thankful for all of you ~ Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunny xo

P.S. Check out my Instagram page for photos of the new girl! 😉

SUNny DAY Post: X-Mas In July…….in August!

It’s that time of year again! Actually, it was that time of year again last month for our annual X-Mas in July “Epic Southern Living Magazine Christmas Cake Baking Party!” However, this year one of my nieces couldn’t make it for any dates in July so we moved it to August. And, once again, it was a chaotic, but fun, success!

Here is the cake we decided to make this year:

X-Mas in July Cake!

Ta Da! We did it! The Southern Living Magazine Chocolate Citrus Orange Cake with Candied Oranges and Chocolate Ganache Filling!

This annual tradition came about a few years ago when I realized that Continue reading

My B-Metro Column: Sunny’s Entertaining ~ Xmas in July, Baby, it’s Hot Inside!


SB xmas

Well, it happened again. For some reason I thought that maybe, just maybe, baking the Southern Living magazine Christmas cake in July would not be as frantic as it is when trying to make it in December. And once again, I was wrong. But, when your nieces ask if you can have a Christmas in July cake baking party you don’t stop to think about the details, you just say it’s a plan! And, so now, I just make myself crazy twice a year. Because, let’s face it, with or without the SLCC, December is the craziest time of the year. And now, July is, too! The best way I thought to sum it up for you was in this little poem. So, here’s the latest scoop on our Second Annual Christmas in July Southern Living magazine cake baking party (sung roughly to the tune of “Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.”)

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the air inside is so delightful

Now that it’s five below

Let it blow, let it blow, let it blow.

This heat doesn’t show signs of breaking

And I’ve got a cake that’s baking

So I’ve turned the air down real low

Let it blow, let it blow, let it blow.

I don’t know what I was thinking

I guess I must have been drinking

I should have just said “No”

Let it blow, let it blow, let it blow

It sounded like fun at the time

To celebrate Christmas in July

So when your nieces ask you to make

A Southern Living Christmas Cake…

Just say no. Just say no. Just say no.

Just because it’s summer

Doesn’t mean it will be “funner”

Your nerves will still be shot

And the kitchen too damn hot

Just say no. Just say no. Just say no.

The whole of summer break

Is not long enough to make this cake

Too soon they will go back to school

I hope by then that it will be cool.

We won’t have time to make the garnish

On all 27 steps we moved too slow

But it should still taste delish

Just say no. Just say no. Just say no.

I think I’ve learned my lesson

That we should have started sooner

And so next time I will remember

Unless we start it in December

I. will. Just. Say. “No”.

Oh, boy—I sure hope so, I hope so,

I hope so!

You can see all the fun on my website at

Until next time…Cheers! ~ Sunny

Photo: Billy Brown

Sunny’s Entertaining: 2nd Annual Xmas in July! #family

I am happy to say that our 2nd Annual Xmas in July Southern Living Magazine Christmas Cake Baking Party was a success!


with Sam, Esar (my niece’s lovely French foreign exchange student-who was the stand-in for my daughter) and Lauren

Last year I got the bright idea (?!) of getting the girls in the family together with my daughter and my nieces, along with my mom, to bake a Southern Living Magazine Christmas Cake. Despite the heat, outside and in the kitchen inside, we had so much fun that a tradition was born. However, just like the recipe for the cake itself, it takes a lot more planning than you would think trying to coordinate everyone’s schedules and get everyone together at the same time.  Continue reading

X-Mas in July!

Christmas in July!

My God, I’m Hot!-In the kitchen!-In July!! 😉


Here we are with the finished Southern Living Gift Box Cake!

A couple of month’s ago I was texting with my youngest niece, Sam, when she sent me a picture of a cake she had baked from scratch and she said it reminded of her of a Southern Living Magazine Christmas Cake. (If you haven’t read my essay I wrote for B-Metro Magazine on my daughter’s and my adventures with baking those cakes every Christmas for several years, you can find it in my book “LMAO! A collection of humor essays to help you lose weight!” at amazon.) We decided then and there that we would get together and have a Christmas in July Party and bake one of the Southern Living Christmas CakesContinue reading

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you are surrounded by the abundance of love today, and everyday. And, in case you have too much togetherness, and too many different family personalities to deal with and need to steal away for a few minutes to yourself, maybe my column in this month’s B-Metro Magazine will give you a little chuckle-it’s all in good fun:)

Love and laughter, always,

~Sunny xo
