Happy Halloween! This is what I am giving out this year ~ #badinfluence ;)

Happy Halloween!

Here is a way to add a little PG-13 fun to your Halloween Party-after all, the kids can’t have all the fun 😉 So, who’s coming?


These cocktail napkins and beverage coasters, along with other designs, are from my Halloween Collection at my zazzle store “Buy_Sunny“. NOTE: Make sure to set the Content Filter to “Moderate” to see the PG-13 fun! 😉 ~Sunny xo

#ringmybell #trickortreat #drinkcoasters #cocktailnapkins #candycigarettes #booze #BOObs #badinfluence

All Photos: Billy Brown

The Southern Living Christmas Cake that Almost Killed Me



The Pictures to Prove It!

Looking exhausted after the month it took us to construct it.




P.S. I will add more photos of the other cakes after I find them..!

Post Show/Book and Blues

Post Show/Book Blues

I always seem to forget about the “Blues” that come on after a show is over, and this time was no exception.

We had a fantastic run of our show “Feminine Hyjinx” with all three shows selling out! In fact, we are bringing it back to the stage in January by popular demand! I will keep you posted, so check back here for updates. We had so much fun-it is a privilege to make people laugh-so a BIG THANK YOU to all who came out to see and laugh with us-XO!

I went straight into rehearsals after just getting my youngest child off to college, so when it was all over I really felt the “Empty Nest”. AND-to make matters worse-my book manuscript was being read, so I had nothing to do-so I got sick! So, now you are all caught up.

I really missed my book. I missed coming to my desk first thing every morning and writing, editing, working on it. Never fear, though, it’s back with lot’s of notes, so I am back at it. Any other writers out there experience that same thing? Post Book Blues? I’d love to hear from you that have.

Blonde is the cure for the blues (blacks & grays, too!), for me, so my hairdresser put the smile back on my face and twinkle back in my baby blues- She brings light to the dark places.

I’m looking forward to the holidays coming up & my daughter coming back for Thanksgiving for her visit home, and will update here more often. Hope to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping in~Sunny:) xo



I wasn’t sure what to call this first post on my new blog, but, after finally getting it up (and I have never had that much difficulty in getting things up before!), I must say I had to pour myself a little celebratory bubbly, so, cheers!

I am celebrating all of the many changes in my life right now, and it feels good to have a blog again, it’s been almost two years (!) since I last had one. One of the most profound changes in my life is that I am a newly Empty Nester! I am still sad drinking now, but will be glad when I am celebratory drinking again after a period of adjustment!

For any of you parents going through this, too, we will get through it, I hear from the ones who have treaded this road before us. I am actually thinking it might be a very short period of adjustment for us these days, with all of the new ways our kids can keep tabs on us, I mean-in touch with us. In fact, my latest column for B-Metro Magazine is about this.

Here is a link-hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to our blogging!~Cheers!~Sunny xo

“My Virtual Empty Nest”

