Motivation Monday: “Hello, Self!” Podcast.

Listen to my guest appearance on the “Hello, Self!” podcast by clicking here.

Here is a little Monday Motivation for you!

We also talk about the importance of asking yourself questions and not being guided by fear, being open to new ideas, and saying “Yes!” to trying new things. I also realized that I am always the last to know anything! Which must be why I am a “Late Bloomer”! But, I just keep moving forward into the unknown. As I say in my Instagram bio: I am always uncomfortable. 😉

So, I hope that you will check out the episode. You can listen to it by clicking the link below or wherever you listen to your podcasts. ~ Thanks so much for listening. I hope it inspires you to get outside of your comfort zone and learn something new about yourself. I would love to hear some of your “Hello, Self!” moments!